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CommonLook PDF Compliance Report

Name of Verified File:


Date Verified:

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Results Summary:

Number of Pages: 5

Total number of tests requested: 50

Total of Failed statuses: 0

Total of Warning statuses: 1

Total of Passed statuses: 110

Total of User Verify statuses: 0

Total of Not Applicable statuses: 11

Structural Results

Accessibility Results

HHS (2018 regulations)

SerialPage No.Element PathCheckpoint NameTest NameStatusReasonComments
1Additional Checks1. Special characters in file namesPassedFile name does not contain special characters
2DocAdditional Checks2. Concise file namesPassedVerification result set by user.
3Additional Checks2. Concise file namesPassedThe file name is meaningful and restricted to 20-30 characters
4Section A: All PDFsA1. Is the PDF tagged?PassedTags have been added to this document.
5MetaDataSection A: All PDFsA2. Is the Document Title filled out in the Document Properties?PassedVerification result set by user.
6MetaDataSection A: All PDFsA3. Is the correct language of the document set?PassedVerification result set by user.
7DocSection A: All PDFsA4. Did the PDF fully pass the Adobe Accessibility Checker?PassedVerification result set by user.
8Section A: All PDFsA6. Are accurate bookmarks provided for documents greater than 9 pages?PassedBookmarks are logical and consistent with Heading Levels.
9DocSection A: All PDFsA7. Review-related contentPassedVerification result set by user.
101,2,3,4,5TagsSection A: All PDFsA8. Logically ordered tagsPassedVerification result set by user.
11Section A: All PDFsA11. Text correctly formattedPassedProperty set status to Passed
12Section A: All PDFsA12. Paragraph textPassedVerification result set by user.
13Section A: All PDFsA13. Resizable textPassedText can be resized and is readable.
14Pages->0,Pages->1,Pages->2,Pages->3,Pages->4Section B: PDFs containing ColorB1. Color alonePassedVerification result set by user.
15Section C: PDFs containing LinksC1. Tagged linksPassedAll link annotations are placed along with their textual description in a Link tag.
164,5Tags->0->50->1->1->0,Tags->0->52->1->1->0,Tags->0->52->1->1->1,Tags->0->52->1->1->2,Tags->0->52->1->1->3,Tags->0->52->1->1->4,Tags->0->56->1->1->0,Tags->0->56->1->1->1,Tags->0->56->1->1->2,Tags->0->63->3->0,Tags->0->63->3->1Section C: PDFs containing LinksC2. Distinguishable LinksPassedVerification result set by user.
174,5Tags->0->50->1->1,Tags->0->50->1->1->0,Tags->0->52->1->1,Tags->0->52->1->1->0,Tags->0->52->1->1->1,Tags->0->52->1->1->2,Tags->0->52->1->1->3,Tags->0->52->1->1->4,Tags->0->56->1->1,Tags->0->56->1->1->0,Tags->0->56->1->1->1,Tags->0->56->1->1->2,Tags->0->63->3,Tags->0->63->3->0,Tags->0->63->3->1Section C: PDFs containing LinksC3. Understandable LinksPassedVerification result set by user.
18Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD1. Images in FiguresPassedPaths, XObjects, Form XObjects and Shadings are included in Figures, Formula or Artifacted.
191Tags->0->0Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD2. Figures Alternative textPassedVerification result set by user.
20Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD3. Decorative ImagesPassedPaths, XObjects, Form XObjects and Shadings are included in Figures, Formula or Artifacted.
211Tags->0->0Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD4. Complex ImagesPassedVerification result set by user.
221Tags->0->0->0Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD5. Images of textPassedVerification result set by user.
23Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD6. Grouped ImagesPassedNo Figures with semantic value only if grouped were detected in this document.
24Section E: PDFs containing TablesE1. Table tagsPassedAll tables in this document are data tables.
253,5Tags->0->34,Tags->0->61,Tags->0->65Section E: PDFs containing TablesE2. Table structure vs. visual layoutPassedVerification result set by user.
263,5Tags->0->34,Tags->0->61,Tags->0->65Section E: PDFs containing TablesE3. Table cells typesPassedVerification result set by user.
27Section E: PDFs containing TablesE4. Empty header cellsPassedAll table header cells contain content or property set to passed.
283,5Tags->0->34,Tags->0->61,Tags->0->65Section E: PDFs containing TablesE5. Merged CellsPassedVerification result set by user.
29Section E: PDFs containing TablesE6. Header scopePassedAll simple tables define scope for THs
30Section F: PDFs containing ListsF1. List tagsPassedAll List elements passed.
311,2,3Tags->0->5,Tags->0->9,Tags->0->12,Tags->0->14,Tags->0->16,Tags->0->19,Tags->0->21,Tags->0->23,Tags->0->25,Tags->0->27,Tags->0->38,Tags->0->40,Tags->0->9->0->1->1,Tags->0->9->1->1->1,Tags->0->16->2->1->1,Tags->0->16->3->1->1,Tags->0->16->4->1->1Section F: PDFs containing ListsF2. List items vs. visual layoutPassedVerification result set by user.
321,2,3Tags->0->5,Tags->0->12,Tags->0->14,Tags->0->19,Tags->0->21,Tags->0->23,Tags->0->25,Tags->0->27,Tags->0->38,Tags->0->40,Tags->0->9->0->1->1,Tags->0->9->1->1->1,Tags->0->16->2->1->1,Tags->0->16->3->1->1,Tags->0->16->4->1->1Section F: PDFs containing ListsF3. Nested listsPassedVerification result set by user.
33Section G: PDFs containing HeadingsG1. Visual Headings in Heading tagsPassedAll Visual Headings are tagged as Headings.
34Section G: PDFs containing HeadingsG2. Heading levels skippingPassedAll Headings are nested correctly
35Section G: PDFs containing HeadingsG3 & G4. Headings mark section of contentsPassedVerification result set by user.
36Section H: PDFs containing FormsH5. Tab orderPassedAll pages that contain annotations have tabbing order set to follow the logical structure.
37Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI1. Nonstandard glyphsPassedAll nonstandard text (glyphs) are tagged in an accessible manner.
38Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI3. Language for words and phrasesPassedProperty set status to Passed
39Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI4. Table of ContentsPassedVerification result set by user.
40Section A: All PDFsA5. Is the document free from content that flashes more than 3 times per second?Not ApplicableNo elements that could cause flicker were detected in this document.
41Section A: All PDFsA10. Role mapped custom tagsNot ApplicableNo Role-maps exist in this document.
42Section D: PDFs containing ImagesD2. Figures Alternative textNot ApplicableNo Formula tags were detected in this document.
43Section E: PDFs containing TablesE7. Headers/IDsNot ApplicableNo complex tables were detected in this document.
44Section H: PDFs containing FormsH1. Tagged formsNot ApplicableNo Form Annotations were detected in this document.
45Section H: PDFs containing FormsH2. Forms tooltipsNot ApplicableNo form fields were detected in this document.
46Section H: PDFs containing FormsH3. Tooltips contain requirementsNot ApplicableNo Form Annotations were detected in this document.
47Section H: PDFs containing FormsH4. Required fieldsNot ApplicableNo Form Fields were detected in this document.
48Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI2. OCR textNot ApplicableNo raster-based images were detected in this document.
49Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI5. TOC linksNot ApplicableNo Table of Contents (TOCs) were detected in this document.
50Section I: PDFs containing other common elementsI6. References and NotesNot ApplicableNo internal links were detected in this document
51Section A: All PDFsA9. Tagged contentWarningCommonLook created 32 artifacts to hold untagged text/graphical elements.
52Section B: PDFs containing ColorB2. Color contrastSkippedDoes all text (with the exception of logos) have a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 or greater no matter the size?