Plan overview

Plan availability

County of residence


HSA Eligible

Covered services

Plan details

You pay

Deductible (individual / family)

Combined medical and prescription drug

Out-of-pocket max


Doctor visits

You pay

Primary care office visit

Specialist office visit

Virtual care PCP visit (Delivered via the Capital Blue Cross Virtual Care platform)


You pay

Emergency room

Urgent care

Tests and lab work

You pay

Diagnostic lab services

Outpatient diagnostic test (X-ray)

Outpatient high tech imaging

Hospital services

You pay

Outpatient surgery service

Inpatient hospital admission


You pay

Retail Rx

Home delivery Rx


Covered services

Plan details

You pay

Routine dental check-up adult

Routine dental check-up child

Deductible adult

Deductible child

Out-of-pocket max adult

Out-of-pocket max child

Plan details



Diagnostic and preventative services

Basic services

Major services

Orthodontia services

Children- under age 19

Adults- age 19 and over

Covered services

Plan details

You pay

Routine eye exam


Contact Lenses

(Instead of glasses)

Other add-ons

1All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

2Discounts are not insurance and create no liability for payment by the plan.