Payment FAQ

Bill Payer

What is Bill Payer?

Bill Payer is an electronic payment option that lets you schedule payments. When you initiate a payment, your bank transfers your premium from your bank account to us on your preferred date. No checks to write. No envelopes to mail.

How do I enroll?

Sign up through your bank or credit union. Payments using bill payer are started by you each month.

What happens with re-bills/retro adjustments?

Pay the current invoice as billed. Any changes made after the statement billing date will appear on the next statement.

Group Check It Out®

What is Group Check It Out® (GCIO)?

Group Check It Out is a free automated payment option that deducts your premium from your bank account on your selected date.

How does it work?

Your bank will transfer your Capital Blue Cross monthly premium from your bank account. If the designated transfer day is a holiday, the premium payment will be deducted on the next business day. If your account does not have sufficient funds available to pay the premium, we will send you a notice.

How do I enroll?

Complete the online enrollment form or the paper enrollment form. The process takes 30-60 days to become effective. We will contact you when you are approved for this program and when your automatic payments begin.

Should I complete a Commercial or Medicare Advantage form?

C-382 is for Commercial products (PPO, Comprehensive, HMO, etc.) and C-372 is for Medicare Advantage (BlueJourney PPO and BlueJourney HMO). Depending on your group benefit plan, you may need to complete more than one form.

If my group has numerous subgroups, does Capital Blue Cross require a separate form for each subgroup?

If your subgroups have different bank accounts, you must submit separate forms for each bank account. If all subgroups use the same bank account, one form can be completed.

How do I make changes?

You can make changes completing an enrollment form and placing a checkmark in the appropriate boxes.

How long does it take to cancel or make an update to the group banking information?

It will take between 30-60 days.

What happens with re-bills retro adjustments?

Any changes made after the statement due date will appear on the next statement billing date.

Wire transfer/electronic funds transfer (EFT)

What is wire transfer/EFT?

A wire transfer or EFT is an automated payment option initiated by you through your bank or credit union that deducts your premium directly on your designated due date. There is a charge from your financial institution for these transactions.

How do I enroll?

You must contact your bank or credit union. Payments using wire transfer/EFT are initiated by you monthly based on the premium statement.

How does it work?

When the payment is initiated by you, your bank will transfer your monthly premium from your bank account directly to Capital Blue Cross on the date you specify. If the designated transfer day is a bank holiday, the premium payment will be deducted on the next business day.

What happens with re-bills/retro adjustments?

Please pay the current invoice as billed. Any changes made after the statement billing date will appear on the next statement.