Taking care of men's health

The list of greatest health threats to men in the U.S. is surprisingly short. It includes heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The good news is that making a few lifestyle changes can significantly lower the risk for each of them.

Man by a stream

Take steps to take control of your health so you can enjoy your life.

Here’s a list to consider:

  • Don't smoke

    If you smoke or use other tobacco products, ask your doctor to help you quit. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke, air pollution and chemicals, such as those in the workplace. See our other article with resources to quit.

  • Eat a healthy diet

    Choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and lean sources of protein, such as fish. Limit foods high in saturated and trans fats, and foods with added sugar and sodium.

  • Maintain a healthy weight

    Losing excess pounds — and keeping them off — can lower your risk of heart disease as well as various types of cancer.

  • Get moving

    Exercise can help you control your weight, lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, and possibly lower your risk of certain types of cancer. Choose activities you enjoy, such as tennis, basketball, or brisk walking. All physical activity benefits your health.

  • Limit alcohol

    If you choose to drink alcohol, do so only in moderation. That means up to two drinks a day if you are age 65 or younger and one drink a day if you are older than age 65. Examples of one drink include 12 fluid ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 fluid ounces (148 milliliters) of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces (44 milliliters) of standard 80-proof liquor. The risk of various types of cancer, such as liver cancer, appears to increase with the amount of alcohol you drink and the length of time you've been drinking regularly. Too much alcohol can also raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • Manage stress

    If you feel constantly on edge or under pressure, your lifestyle habits may suffer — and so might your immune system. Take steps to reduce stress or learn to deal with stress in healthy ways.

  • Don’t wait

    Your doctor can be your best ally for maintaining health and preventing disease. If you feel something isn’t right, go to your health provider. Follow your doctor's treatment recommendations if you have health issues, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Also, ask your doctor about when to have preventive care such as cancer screenings, vaccinations, and other health evaluations.

  • Stay safe on the roads

    Motor vehicle accidents are another common cause of death among men. To stay safe on the road, wear your seat belt. Follow the speed limit. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or any other substances, and don't drive distracted or while sleepy.

  • Reach out if you feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts

    Suicide is another leading men's health risk. An important risk factor for suicide among men is depression. If you have signs and symptoms of depression — such as feeling sad or worthless and a loss of interest in normal activities — talk to your doctor. Treatment is available. If you're contemplating suicide, call 911, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800.273.8255), or go to the nearest emergency room.

Understanding health risks is one thing. Taking action to reduce your risks is another.

Start by making healthy lifestyle choices. The impact might be greater than you'll ever know.

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“Men’s Health: Prevent the Top Threats - Mayo Clinic.”

The information provided is meant for a general audience. Capital Blue Cross and its affiliated companies believe this health education resource provides useful information but does not assume any liability associated with its use.